Chasing Choclon Waterfall: Discovering paradise in the Panamanian jungle

As I combed through the research prior to our trip to Panama, I came across a picture of a swimming hole that blew me away. The moment I saw it, I knew we needed to experience it. There was only one problem: nothing I read would tell us where it was located…

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How I Caught The Travel Bug: and 3 reasons why I can't let it go

I vividly remember standing there on the shores of Hopfen, Germany. It was the summer between my junior and senior years of high school and I was captivated by my first taste of international exploration. I didn’t know it at the time - I don’t think I quite knew how to process it all - but that was my first experience with the travel bug…

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Hiking Cerro Ancon: Chasing views in Panama City, Panama

The very first thing I did the morning after arriving in Panama City was catch an Uber and climb this hill. I think there’s a lot of value in learning about a new place by looking at it from a different perspective. It’s like watching a city pump blood through its veins and Cerro Ancon is the best vantage point you’ll find in this sprawling metropolis.

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Top 5 things to do in Boquete, Panama: A must-do guide to the cloud forest valley!

From ominous cloud forests to the world’s best coffee bean, the Panamanian town of Boquete has something to offer for everyone. Here are 5 of the top things to do in Boquete, Panama!

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48 Hours in Panama City: Where to stay and what to do!

So you’ve booked your tickets to Panama City and decided to opt for short stopover before continuing on elsewhere. No worries, that’s what I did, too. It was a bit overwhelming at first to plan as much as possible in such a limited amount of time, but this guide is here to help you collect your thoughts and point you in the right direction!

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Renting a Car in Panama: Here's what I wish I had known ahead of time

I can already see the eyes rolling around your head. “I know how to use Google, I know how to drive, I’m confident I can rent a car.” Well, that’s probably all true. Who am I to judge your driving? But renting a car in Panama isn’t as cut and dry as in other countries…

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