The Ultimate 3-day Itinerary in Boquete, Panama: Experience cloud forests, coffee, and more!

From ominous cloud forests and lush jungle vegetation to the world’s best coffee bean, Boquete is a magical place nestled within the Chiriquí Highlands of Panama that an adventurer’s dream. Here’s a 3-day itinerary to help you plan your next trip!

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Top 3 hikes in Boquete, Panama

Drive 480km west of Panama City, Panama and the urban metropolis quickly yields way to a seemingly endless supply of rolling mountains and verdant jungle, eventually leading to an oasis named Boquete. Here are the top 3 hikes when visiting Boquete, Panama!

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Visiting Panama Viejo: Everything you need to know before you go

Panama Viejo was the first European city built along the Pacific Ocean in the Americas and was established in 1519 by Pedro Arias Davila. Its prime location quickly created a trading metropolis, but that led to attacks from pirates that ultimately destroyed the city. Today, Panama Viejo as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Here's everything you need to know!

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Chasing Choclon Waterfall: Discovering paradise in the Panamanian jungle

As I combed through the research prior to our trip to Panama, I came across a picture of a swimming hole that blew me away. The moment I saw it, I knew we needed to experience it. There was only one problem: nothing I read would tell us where it was located…

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Hiking Cerro Ancon: Chasing views in Panama City, Panama

The very first thing I did the morning after arriving in Panama City was catch an Uber and climb this hill. I think there’s a lot of value in learning about a new place by looking at it from a different perspective. It’s like watching a city pump blood through its veins and Cerro Ancon is the best vantage point you’ll find in this sprawling metropolis.

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Top 5 things to do in Boquete, Panama: A must-do guide to the cloud forest valley!

From ominous cloud forests to the world’s best coffee bean, the Panamanian town of Boquete has something to offer for everyone. Here are 5 of the top things to do in Boquete, Panama!

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