Lessons from a Non-Profit: What to know before your next volunteer trip abroad

Voluntourism is a booming part of international travel, but it doesn't come without its pitfalls. It’s more important than ever that we educate ourselves as donors and volunteers in order to evaluate how effectively our time and money is being used abroad. Here are 9 lessons you should know before your next volunteer trip that I’ve learned after nearly a decade of working with a non-profit in Ghana.

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25 Quotes to Fuel Your Wandering Soul: It's time for your next adventure

When I’m feeling stuck in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, I turn to these quotes to put my head on straight and inspire my next great adventure. In the very least, I hope by posting them here they might spark something in you, too. After all, the world is waiting… all we need to do is get up and go. Here are my top 25 quotes to fuel your own wandering soul!

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The Ultimate Guide to Crater Lake National Park: Everything you need to know for a day full of adventure

Crater Lake National Park has grown in popularity over the years, but it still wildly underrated amongst the National Parks. Here is your guide to getting the most of your 24 hours exploring the area!

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Sleepless in Seattle: How to spend 24 hours in the Emerald City

Weekend getaways are the perfect opportunity to get out of your comfort zone and experience something new, especially if your time is limited. But with so many things to see and do, how do you decide on what to pack into your schedule? Here are 7 “off the beaten path” recommendations for Seattle, Washington!

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Touring The DMZ in South Korea: What it's like to stand at the most heavily guarded border in the world

A mere thirty miles outside of Seoul sits one of the most heavily guarded borders in the world. Spanning the entire 160-miles across the peninsula, the demilitarized zone creates a 2.5 mile wide proverbial “no-man’s land” that does more than simply divide the two countries…

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10 books that will fuel your wandering soul

You can often find me wandering aimlessly through the travel section of a bookstore. It’s actually one of my favorite pastimes, searching for inspiration to plan my next great adventure. I never truly know what I’m looking for. Regardless, it’s not uncommon to find me camped out on the floor of the aisle…

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